Welcome to CancerLinksUSA.com
Welcome to CancerLinksUSA.com
Newsgroups and Listservers Usenet - alt.support.cancer
Usenet - alt.support.cancer.prostate
Usenet - alt.support.cancer.testicular
Usenet - msc.health.alt
Usenet - sci.med.diseases.cancer
Medicine OnLine
To subscribe to mol-cancer, send the following in the body of an email message: subscribe mol-cancer. This discussion group is open to anyone interested cancer treatment discussion. Every member is able to view the archives of previous messages and post questions, answers, files, and information into the discussion group without prior review.
Cancer-L is a support list for anyone who has an involvement with cancer. e.g. patients, family, friends etc.. The list provides support, technical information, humor, and related information.
A myeloproliferative disease medical mailing list focusing on polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, and myelofibrosis. Anyone - patient, family member, or health professional, is welcome to join.
FamCan-L Familial Cancer
To join send an e-mail with the message: Subscribe FAMCAN-L
To join send an e-mail with the message: SUBCRIBE BREAST-CANCER An open discussion list for any issue relating to breast cancer. List open to researchers, physicians, patients, family, and friends of patients
A forum to discuss topics related to all types of brain tumors whether benign or malignant. Open to brain tumor patients, their families, medical professionals, medical educators, and researchers.
Prostate Problems
To join send an e-mail with the message: SUB PROSTATE Your Name. Discussion includes symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications, and personal impact of prostate cancer.
To join send and e-mail with the message: subscribe colon. Colon is a discussion list for patients, their family, caregivers, and any other interested parties to get together and talk.
Hodgkin's Lymphoma Listerv
To join send an e-mail with the message: subscribe hodgkins. The purpose is for Hodgkin's Disease patients to exchange in information, stories, and helpful insights with others having this disease
OncoLink Automated E-mail Discussion Group Subscriber
Subscribe or Un-Subscribe to a host of cancer related mailing-lists including: HEM-ONC Hematologic Diseases List: This is an unmoderated discussion list for patients, family, friends, researchers, and physicians to discuss clinical and non-clinical issues and advances pertinent to Hematologic Malignacies including Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Multiple Myeloma.
CTCL-MF: Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma- Mycosis Fungoides Information/Support List: This list is for patients, family, friends, researchers, and physicians to discuss information pertaining to Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma/Mycosis Fungoides. It includes patient experiences and support as well as information on new research, clinical trials and discussions of current treatment practices.
