Radiofrequency Ablation for Cancer
Radiofrequency Ablation for Cancer
Radiofrequency ablation (RF ablation) is a minimally invasive treatment for cancer that is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Mayo Clinic physicians have used radiofrequency ablation to treat hundreds of patients for liver and kidney tumors and bone cancer pain. The RF ablation team at Mayo Clinic includes radiologists, who perform the treatment, and oncologists, who determine whether RF ablation tumor treatment is appropriate for a patient.
The image-guided technique kills cancer cells by heating and destroying them. Learn how it works.
The treatment is an alternative when surgery is not likely to be successful or has failed — or when other medical conditions increase the risk of surgery. Read Frequently Asked Questions.
Advantages of RF Ablation
Effective treatment for small cancers
Minimally invasive, with no skin incision
Minimal risk to patient
Typically little or no pain
Minimal hospital stay
Can be repeated if new cancer appears
Treatment Options at Mayo Clinic
Liver Cancer
For cancer that originates in the liver and for some types of cancer that have spread to the liver. Read more.
Kidney Cancer
For small cancers. Read more.
Lung Cancer
For select patients who have cancers that are limited in size and number. Read more.
Bone Cancer Pain
Cancer that has spread to the bones can be treated to control severe pain. Read more.
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