Florida Cancer Clinical Trial Matching Service
Florida Cancer Clinical Trial Matching Service
Florida Cancer Trial, Inc.
toll-free number: 1-800-584-9976
About the FCT
An Overview of the FDOC and the FCT.
Florida has the second highest cancer incidence in the United States. To address Florida’s growing cancer burden and the need for increased clinical trial participation, the Florida Dialogue on Cancer (FDOC) created Florida Cancer Trials, Inc. (FCT) in January 2004.
The Florida Dialogue on Cancer (FDOC) is a collaboration of Florida leaders that are developing and implementing new efforts to fight Florida's cancer burden. FDOC members include the presidents, directors and CEOs of hospitals, research centers, universities, professional medical groups, community-based organizations, minority-based organizations, private business groups, and others as well as government officials. FDOC is a bold initiative designed to address issues about Florida's cancer disparity that no single organization or institution can tackle alone.
The FCT strives to increase the number of Floridians participating in cancer clinical trials to help reduce the rates of cancer incidence and mortality, improve quality of life and minimize the impact of cancer for all Floridians. By educating cancer patients, those at high risk for developing cancer, healthcare providers and caregivers about the availability and necessity of clinical trials in Florida, the FCT offers hope for tomorrow.
Clinical Trials Highlights.
The Florida Dialogue on Cancer received a $500,000 federal grant to create a clinical trials information system in Florida. Florida Cancer Trials, Inc. (FCT), a 501 (c) 3 entity was formed to develop the program. The FCT Board of Directors and the Technical Advisory workgroup have been hard at work since January 2004 planning and overseeing the program.
On November 1, 2004, The FCT launched a web-based and phone-based Clinical Trial Matching Service for the State of Florida. It provides users with an opportunity to conduct a personalized search for cancer clinical trials for which they might be eligible. The program allows visitors to print (or be mailed) information about potential trials to discuss with their physicians. Knowledge about clinical trials and how to participate in them is a critical component in increasing accrual rates. Florida residents who do not have Internet access will be able to obtain information by calling the toll-free number.
The FCT Board of Directors has selected EmergingMed as the vendor to provide the phone-based and web-based Clinical Trial Matching & Referral Service for the State of Florida.
If you have any comments or questions about the Florida Dialogue On Cancer, please feel free to Contact Us.
Members of the FCT
Representatives of the following Florida institutions and organizations are members of the FCT Board of Directors and/or its workgroups and advisory team:
AARP of Florida
American Cancer Society
Boca Raton Community Hospital
Cancer Information Service, Miami
Florida A & M University Tampa Bay Campus
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Hospital Cancer Institute, Orlando
Florida Society of Clinical Oncology
Florida Society of Pathologists
H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
Mayo Comprehensive Cancer Center, Jacksonville
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Orlando
Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida
Space Coast Medical Associates, Titusville
University of Florida Shands Cancer Center
University of Florida, Shands Jacksonville
University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of South Florida College of Medicine
We offer patients, caregivers and health care professionals up-to-date information about cancer clinical trials in Florida and throughout the United States. This free and confidential service is designed to allow you to begin the search process online. However, we recommend that visitors begin the process by calling our toll-free number: 1-800-584-9976.
To learn whether an individual patient is eligible for clinical trials, you must first create a profile for that patient. To create the profile, you answer a brief series of questions about the patient’s diagnosis and treatment to date. Your information is kept strictly confidential.
Once you create a patient profile, the matching service will find appropriate clinical trials in Florida, or throughout the United States. You decide whether to contact a medical center and enroll in the clinical trial.
To begin the process by telephone, call our Clinical Trial Specialists toll-free 1-800-584-9976 (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm ET except holidays). To begin the process online, select which trials interest you and a condition above then click "Search Matches."
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