Cancer Index Newsgroup
Cancer Index Newsgroup
Cancer Index
updated: Tue 29 Apr 2003
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E-mail Discussion Lists
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E-mail Discussion Lists (105 links)
* Frequently Asked Questions about Cancer Listservers (Oncolink)
* ACOR list of Email Lists (Medinfo/ACOR, USA) A large list of cancer related list servers that you can join, browse archives etc.
* List of Publically available Mailing Lists by Stephanie da Silva (general resource)
* ACUP - Information and Support for Adenocarcinoma of Unknown Primary (ACOR) Email list
* ADCC-MED - Adenoid Cystic Carcinomas (ACOR) An unmoderated Email list for patients, parents, friends, researchers, and physicians, to discuss clinical issues pertaining to all forms of Adenoid Cystic Carcinomas.
* ADEN-CYST - Adenoid Cystic Carcinomas Electronic Support Group (ACOR)
* ALL-L - Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Email List (ACOR)
* AML - Acute Myeloid Leukemia Support Group (ACOR) Email list
* AMYLOID - Amyloidosis Discussion list (ACOR) An unmoderated Email list for patients, relatives, fiends researchers, health professionals to discuss amyloidosis. This includes amyloidosis associated with myeloma.
* ANGIOGEN - Angiogenesis Forum (ACOR) Email list
* B-Mail - Breast Cancer Email list (Australia) an Email discussion list run by BreastNet / Breast Cancer Institute of New South Wales
* BLADDER-ONC - Bladder Cancer and Transitional Cell Carcinomas Electronic Support Group (ACOR)
* BMT-TALK (ACOR) Moderated Mailing list for the discussion of Bone Marrow Transplants. Started in June of 1994, and is a moderated discussion on all aspects of BMT
* Cancer Depression - Email List (ACOR)
* Cancer Hospice - Email List (ACOR)
* CANCER-FERTILITY (ACOR) unmoderated discussion list for cancer survivors, parents, friends, researchers, and physicians to discuss ertility/infertility issues associated with cancer and its treatment.
* CANCER-FR - French Language Cancer List (ACOR) Liste Francophone d'information et de support pour les patients atteints par toutes formes de cancer
* CANCER-MED discussion list (ACOR)
* CANCER-PAIN (ACOR) Email list
* CANCER-SEXUALITY (ACOR) an email list to discuss sexuality Issues related to cancer diagnosis.
* CARCINOID - Carcinoid Cancer Online Support Group Email list
* CAREGIVERS - Email list (ACOR)
* CLL - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Support Group Email List
* CML - Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Support Email List
* COAG-DISORDERS (ACOR) a general coagulation email discoussion list.
* COLON - Colon Cancer Mailing List Email List
* CPCOS Email List (ACOR) Cancer patients Christian Online Support email list
* CTCL-MF - Information and Support for: Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma / Mycosis Fungoides Email List
* DESMOID - Desmoid Tumors Electronic Mailing List Email list
* E-SARCOMA Email List - The Ewing Sarcoma Online Support Group (ACOR) includes details of how to join the list -
* E-SARCOMA-UK An Email list open to anyone interested in Ewing's sarcoma. It is primarily aimed at UK based families and health professionals, both others are very welcome. The list was set up by parents who lost their son to Ewing's sarcoma.
* EC-GROUP - Esophageal Cancers Discussion Group Email discussion list
* EMOTIONAL SUPPORT LIST An general index of Email support lists - including some cancer related.
* FACING-AHEAD Email List Helping to face the death of a loved one and its aftermath
* GVHD - Email Support Group for post BMT patients (ACOR)
* GYN-ONC - Gynecological Cancers Support Group. Email discussion list
* HEAD-NECK-ONC -Email List (ACOR) Head and Neck Tumors Information and Support
* HEM-ONC - Hematological Malignancies Support Group Email Discussion List
* HODGKINS - Hodgkins Disease Support Group Email discussion list
* Hodgkins Disease Listserv (Solar) Home page of this discussion list primarily for Hodgkin's patients, started in 1995. Includes searchable archives.
* IBC - Inflammatory Breast Cancer Mailing List Email discussion list
* ICCC - International Childhood Cancer Coalition (ACOR) Email list which aims to enable volunteers working on the creation of an international childhood cancer coalition to communicate with each other.
* International Radiation Oncology Journal Club Archives of Monthly Radiation Oncology Listserve Journal Club. Moderated by Brian Goldsmith, M.D.
* Internet Male Breast Cancer Group- Email List (Male Breast Cancer Information Center)
* KIDNEY-ONC - Kidney Cancer Online Support Group Email discussion list
* L-M-SARCOMA - Leiomyosarcoma Electronic Support Group Email discussion list
* L-SARCOMA - Liposarcoma Information and Support Group (ACOR) Email list
* LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU Hematological Malignancies E-mail Discussion List,including Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Multiple Myeloma
* LIVER-ONC - Liver Cancer Electronic Support Group Email discussion list
* LT-SURVIVORS (ACOR) email list to discuss issues facing long term survivors of cancer.
* LUNG-ONC - Lung Cancers Internet Support Group Email discussion list
* LUPUS - Lupus and Associated Diseases Email List (ACOR) Moderated Email List
* MALEBC - Male Breast Cancer Discussion List. Email discussion list
* Medulloblastoma / PNET Email Discussion List an Email discussion / support list for medulloblastoma and PNET's set up by parents in the UK.
* MEDWEBMASTERS-L (ACOR) Email discussion list
* MEL-L Melanoma Support Group (ACOR) Email discussion list
* MESOTHELIOMA (ACOR) discussion list
* Midwest Myeloma Exchange and Email List A myeloma organization located in and serving the major medical centers in the midwestern United States, linking patients, caregivers, and medical professionals throughout the world through a free myeloma email discussion group.
* MPD-NET (ACOR) A list for patients, family, friends, researchers, and physicians for MPD including agnogenic myeloid metaplasis, chronic myelogenous leukemia, essential thrombocythemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myelofibrosis and polycythemia vera.
* MYELOMA - International Myeloma Foundation Mailing List Email discussion list
* N-BLASTOMA- The Neuroblastoma Online Support Group (ACOR) Email list, includes details of how to join etc.
* NCCS Email List - National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship Electronic Discussion Group Email discussion list
* NHL - Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Support Group Email discussion list
* NHL-LOW Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma- Low Grade discussion list hosted by Egroups.
* ONCONEWS -Email List (ACOR) Oncology News - a moderated list to broadcast Oncology News to Researchers, Physicicans, and Patients.
* ORAL-ONC - Email list (ACOR) Tumors of the Oral Cavity Information and Support
* OSTEO-P - Osteoporosis Electronic Support Group Email discussion list
* OurAngelTeens (Angels of Hope) unmoderated mailing list ifor teenagers ages 13-19 who are suffering with cancer and are looking for a pen-pal to communicate with.
* OurSpecialAngels
* OVARIAN - Ovarian Problems Discussion List Email Discussion List for ovarian cancer and ovarian cysts.
* PANCREAS-ONC - Pancreatic Cancer Electronic Support Group Email discussion list
* PED-ONC Email List - The Pediatric Cancers Electronic Support Group (ACOR) an unmoderated discussion list for patients, family, friends, researchers, and physicians to discuss clinical and non-clinical issues relating to childhood cancer. This page includes details about how to subscribe. PED-ONC@MEDINFO.ORG
* PROSTATE - Prostate Problems Discussion List Email discussion list
* R-BLASTOMA - Email list (ACOR) Retinoblastoma Information and Support
* RARE-CANCER - Support List for Rare Cancers (ACOR)
* Retinoblastoma Email List A discussion group for people affected by Retinoblastoma. It is run by the Retinoblastoma Society (UK) to provide a forum to ask questions, seek advice and get opinions from other affected people and their families.
* SARCOMA - Sarcoma Electronic Support Group Email discussion list
* SARCOMA-MED (ACOR) a list for medical queries relating to sarcomas - not a general discussion list. Specialist sarcoma physicians have volunteered to answer medical queries posted to the list.
* SCAN-BC-LIST Scandinavian Language: Breast Cancer Information and Support Group (ACOR) Email list
* SEEDPODS - Email list about brachytherapy for prostate cancer. Information and support to those interested in brachytherapy for prostate cancer.
* Skin Cancer - Discussion / Message Board a forum created by the author of the "Skin Cancer: The Facts" web site. Read or leave messages,
* STOMACH-ONC - Stomach Tumors Electronic Support Group Email discussion list
* TC-NET - Testicular Cancer Online Support Group Email discussion list
* TC-SUPPORTERS - Testicular Cancer Supporters Discussion Group (ACOR) Email list
* THE CIRCLE - Email discussion group for those affected by prostate cancer.
* THYROID-ONC - Thyroid Tumors Electronic Support Group Email discussion list
* WARMNET - MD Anderson Support Mailing List (ACOR)
* WSMG-NET - Waldenstrom Macroglobulenemia Email List Email discussion list
********** Information for Health Professionals ***********
* BMT-DR Email List A list for Medical Professionals involved in BMT
* CANCER-NURSING-ALLIANCE - Email list (UK) An Email forum for nurses working in higher education and clinical practice to share their expertise.
* CANCER-SCREENING (UK) discussion list (Mailbase, UK) A list set up for discussion of issues in, and research relating to the cancer screening programmes in the UK.
* CANCERREG-DISCUSS (Email Discussion List) A forum for those involved in cancer registration to discuss and exchange views with colleagues and to promote good practice. Formed in 1997.
* COMP-MED-TRIALS Email Discussion List
* INTERLEUKIN-10 Discussion List (Jiscmail, UK) a list for the IL10 research community to discuss basic immunology in areas such as cytokines, T-cells, B-cells, monocytes, macrophages, immunogenetics, gene regulation in areas such as autoimmunity, inflammation, cancer etc.
* LEUKEMIA - Email list (EGroups / Neill Publishing Company, USA) an unmoderated online support group and mailing list for patients, caregivers, and professionals who are interested in and involved with all types of leukemia.
* MAMMO-ANALYSIS - Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) (Mailbase, UK) Email discussion list for researchers
* MEDICAL-IT Email Discussion List - for those who use IT in the teaching of medical students. Including CAL, VR, mediical images, simulation and other relevant IT issues
* MMATRIX-L - American Medical Informatics Association Mailing List Email discussion list
* MYELOMA-DR - Myeloma Professional Mailing List Email discussion list
* NBL-PROF - Neuroblastoma On-line Research Forum An international Email discussion list for those involved in treatment and research into neuroblastoma open to basic scientists, physicians, epidemiologists, clinical trialists, and others involved in neuroblastoma research.
* OCC-ENV-MED-L Internet Mail-list Occupational and Envirommental Medicine list. Includes some discussion of carcinogens.
* SURGICAL-ONC Email List An Email list for health professionals ie. surgical oncologists
* SWON- Social Work in Oncology Network - Discussion Group An Internet discussion group for members of the Association of Oncology Social Workers. Issues for discussion include oncology social work, cancer survivorship, resources for cancer survivors, and psychosocial research in oncology.
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