Cancer Care Ontario
Cancer Care Ontario
620 University Avenue Toronto Ontario, Canada M5G 2L7
Phone: 416.971.9800 Fax: 416.971.6888
Who We Are
Cancer Care Ontario is the provincial agency responsible for continually improving cancer services. As the government’s cancer advisor, Cancer Care Ontario:
* Directs and oversees close to $700 million public health care dollars to hospitals and other cancer care providers to deliver high quality, timely cancer services.
* Implements provincial cancer prevention and screening programs designed to reduce cancer risks and raise screening participation rates.
* Works with cancer care professionals and organizations to develop and implement quality improvements and standards.
* Uses electronic information and technology to support health professionals and patient self-care and to continually improve the safety, quality, efficiency, accessibility and accountability of cancer services.
* Plans cancer services to meet current and future patient needs, and works with health care providers in every Local Health Integration Network to continually improve cancer care for the people they serve.
* Rapidly transfers new research into improvements and innovations in clinical practice and cancer service delivery
Our Role as a Provincial Agency
Formally launched and funded by the provincial government in 1997, Cancer Care Ontario is governed by an act of legislation called The Cancer Act.
As an operational service agency of government, Cancer Care Ontario is accountable to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. The details of our relationship with the Ministry are laid out in a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
CCO follows the management principles of the Government of Ontario. These principles include ethical behavior, accountability, excellence in management, wise use of public funds, high-quality service to the public and equitable access to high-quality service.
We are authorized by the Personal Health Information Protection Act to collect and use personal health information to carry out our role in planning and managing the cancer system.
