4th Angel Mentoring Program
4th Angel Mentoring Program
Minnesota Cancer Resources
5300 Annapolis Lane North, 4324
Plymouth, MN 55446
Target Audience: People with cancer & their caregivers
Fees: Free
Contact Info: Lori Doonan
Web: www.scottcares.org
E-mail: lmdoonan@4thangel.info
4th Angel Mentoring Program
Learning that you have cancer can be an overwhelming experience – one that leaves you frightened, vulnerable and alone. The 4th Angel Mentoring Program offers one-on-one, confidential outreach and support from someone who has successfully made the same journey you are about to begin – the journey towards recovery. This specially trained volunteer and cancer survivor – your 4th Angel – can offer comfort, reassurance, information, coping techniques and practical advice.
The 4th Angel Caregiver Mentoring Program
Cancer affects the entire family – not just the patient. Those who are caring for a seriously ill person have special needs that often go unaddressed. A 4th Angel caregiver mentor uses her/his experiences to help you cope with the difficult caregiver role. The 4th Angel Caregiver Mentoring Program offers one-on-one, confidential outreach and support from someone who has successfully made the same journey you are about to begin. This specially trained volunteer and caregiver can offer comfort, reassurance, information, coping techniques and practical advice.
How does the Program Work?
Your 4th Angel or Caregiver Mentor, paired as closely as possible with respect to diagnosis, gender and age, understands what you are going through because he or she has traveled that same road. As your mentor and guide, your 4th Angel will call you to share healthful and positive strategies learned from his or her own experience – strategies that can help you cope. When a new patient or care giver requests a mentor, the program staff facilitates a match. The program staff contacts the proper mentor and then the mentor calls the patient to offer support. Anyone with cancer or caring for a person with cancer is eligible to be matched with a mentor.
These are free programs of The Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative.
Last updated: 8/2/07
